Once again, the universe unfolds…

Posted: October 3, 2014 in Uncategorized

It’s pretty amazing how the matter of a few days can flip your entire life upside down. Strolling through Ikea with the wife this past Tuesday afternoon, I received a phone call that has changed everything about our lives. By its end I accepted a job offer, bringing my jobs-I-quit-this-month to five. That’s right, I quit five jobs in September.

The offer was from a company I have been pining for and to which I had submitted my CV back in June. I had advanced past the initial review phase and was granted an interview. It seemed to go well, and I was advised I would be contacted for a second interview within the week. That was the last contact I had with them, and of course after a certain period of time assumed that road to be closed. Yet suddenly on Tuesday they called, apologizing for the disconnect and actually praising my CV. After a year of fighting and applying for jobs within the career for which I have spent the last five years in school, such praise is appreciated and needed. One begins to wonder, to question, to reevaluate what they believed to be of high value and consider why no one else can see it. So after the long-awaited second interview, and tentative offer was made, and by the following morning an outright job offer was sitting in my inbox to get paid to do what I loved, to get paid to play in the dirt.

So I have had to resign from my new job that replaced my new job that replaced my two jobs, as well as notify the museum I volunteer at that I won’t be able to help out for the foreseeable future. On Monday I drive out to a site for five days here in Florida, to process paperwork and get aligned to their methods. Then the following Monday I’m flying northward for a project that will keep me in the midwest for the next four to six weeks. Like I said, upside down.

My wife of course is amazing and more supportive than any man deserves, and we are quickly striving to align our life to this new reality. I still can’t get my head around it, feeling like it’s a long time coming and completely out of the blue all at once. I knew that September was going to be the harbinger of change, which is what inspired me to quit the two part-time gigs in favor of more stable work with actual days off. It also is what inspired Project 21Days for which this new journal was to be the record. Sadly despite all the positives, Project 21days was perhaps the most tragic casualty of this whirlwind of change. The sudden shift in priorities and new list of things I now need to get done before these two trips put a halt to the project, and I have not had the time to write, lift, run, etc (though I still read everyday of course). Nearly made it to the full 21 days… sort of a shame, but well within reason. I have new patterns to implement right now.

The greatest lesson from this week though lies in the faith system I have relied upon for a decade or more. I have always believed that when you have goals, work hard, be true, honest and steadfast, the universe unfolds. When you are dedicated, and clear, and work on the steps necessary for your ultimate goals, the universe unfolds to provide resources, help you through chaos and provide a clear path. That faith has been shaken as of late. Now past a year since moving here, applying endlessly for the opportunity to do what I love, what I have studied and been trained to do, the universe didn’t seem to be unfolding. I bought a new car on the faith that it was a necessary tool, and quit my jobs to shake up my reality and redirect my attention. Yet the car had a surprise mechanical issue, and the job thing wasn’t quite heading where I wanted it. Then the car thing resolved itself, and the job thing, well, I think it clearly turned out better than I could’ve ever imagined. I stayed the course despite the whirlwind, and the universe unfolded.

So I keep the faith, and I keep on digging.

  1. Kim Offord says:

    I’m so happy for you Mike, and very proud as well. You deserve all of these things that have unfolded perfectly into your life and more.


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